Tuesday, August 26, 2003

A Critic's View of Neo's Creations

*&^%$ alias 'Neo' is a self-centric writer.
He never seems to get out of his inherent disability
to see beyond his tiny little View Window. Most of his
creations have a dark, spell-binding effect, however
applicable to introverts only, who share a similar
attitude towards life.

If you try to read any of his so called
poems/writings, you can see that He is not at all
Infact, he takes an escapist attempt whenever he is
cornered in his own blunderous jargon of words.
For example, whenever he tries to go beyond a certain
break point while trying to emphasis on an idea, the
technique he uses is to suddenly switch to an entirely
new idea/concept.. like say when talking about a
desert, he tries to plant an orchid in the middle of
an ocean and bla bla ..

Though one may argue that it brings in some amount of
beautiful surprises, at times it sounds too crazy and
beats its effect by making it too predictable. Neo is
a totally imbalanced writer, playing around with the
words he learnt till his 8th standard.

If that is a poet's right.. well fine, anyone can be a
poet. Neo's greatest success is that he has a loyal
following of friends, who try to interpret his crap in
multiple ways.. and thereby bringing an entire
spectrum of meanings for his writings.

Thus, he just needs to plant a seed of thought, which
will be further interpreted by his friends, who are so
intelligent that they think of it a something too
good, or having many different meanings thereby
increasing the "universality" of his writings.

What his friends donot realize is that if they wish,
they could write better stuff than neo himself, for
they are better off with ideas and focus than Neo

Yet another crazy gimmick that neo uses in his
writings is to give exotic prologues and dates to give
it an authentic look .. eg: "Czech Rehabilation
Centre, July 14,1981"... Though this did work at times
as people though it be authentically a work by someone
at rehabilition centre , and not neo's.. the
repetitive use of such gimmicks is irritating.

I would like to conclude by saying Neo is an average
writer .. trying to live on other people's
interpretations of his "game with 8th standard

N.B. Nihas doesnt post it so i do.

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