Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A nothing blog

Have you ever wanted to say so much
But bit down on your tongue as such
Have you ever felt ideas expanding your head
so much that the pain threatened to leave you dead
Have you ever felt so inadequate
when you words remained unsaid
What am I doing? What am I thinking?
I cannot follow it as my cranial membrane is shrinking
I cannot hold on to a train of thought
I am stare like someone at the lights caught
I am scribbling again now
Things I cannot relate somehow

I feel the need to feel needed
I feel the need for applause
This is the moment that I dreaded
The moment I felt like a lost cause


Zeus said...

Fu#k it...It has come to this that I have even lost the control on my language and grammar

neo said...

Yup... for a moment, i thought, that i had blogged this...

Zeus said...

Crazy mofo!

neo said...

sinusitis, migraine...
hands covering my own head,
curled up and tightly closed eyes,
trying to find some sleep desperately,
thoughts, bloody thoughts
frigging "what if's ?!!"
cant shut out these worries,
cant praise lord for blessings,
cant stop asking for more!!!

ram said...
