Tuesday, April 20, 2004


i was sitting on the steps of this bus. i cant remember where i was going but i knew that i was alone. i saw this strange building with a strange name on it along the bus route and felt a deep urge to go there and meet the people living there. and suddenly a small group of people bursts out of this building and runs towards the bus. when they came closer i saw that they were a bunch of little children, all of them with scarred faces. all of them were still pretty. also there was a teacher guiding them who was a little old but with a face that spoke of lost beauty. among those children there was a little girl who was unreserved and started talking to me. she talked about the atrocity being done to them by the authorities. they were being taken to a place far away to practice tennis. they would like to play tennis in their own small ground. i sympathized with them and cursed the authorities. The teacher also joined me.
this was a dream and will remain a dream.

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