Monday, June 21, 2004

The return to darkness

Loved, left.

Sad, bereft.

Hoping against hope,

Buying a hangman's rope.

Borrowed thoughts, battered, used and reused.

Estranged emotions, cerebral abuse.

Random love and consequent lovers.

Fractured realties and love's leftovers.

Burning bright, love alight.

Smouldering carcasses of the night.

Wings aflight, torn in the wind,

Twirling feathers, in the wake of the fall.

Through the void you sense the bereaved kin.

Don't look back, you own the darkness, that's all.

The eternal lover, Darkness unfolds,

Draws you within, mesmerized.

In her lap, sleep for hours untold.

Numbing those nerves, long brutalized.

Lost in thoughts, while adding up noughts.

Settling accounts, while losing count.

21 gun salutes roar overhead, sweetest words remain unsaid.

1 comment:

ram said...

should i be sad when one things about reality and futility of life or should i be glad. i dont know but i feel sad when you churn out such stuff. because i think that you are sad.