Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A wreath for my mind

religion has a usage - "what your right hand possesses".
what the fuck do we possess really?
pamper all you want your ego that you understand or own,
if anyone pampers you saying - oh you understand me so much!
for heaven sake, don't get carried away, you understand nothing.
be like einstein, consider yourself the curious child,
at the ocean shore, full of amazement, full of awe and humility.
Never for a moment be carried away at the thought of
"aaha! it all makes sense now, or at least some sense".
the only word in English with some sense is "Nonsense".

mentalist aathi said in an interview on "The Happiness Project"..
"Depression" is a word which is misused often these days.
At the end of depression, there is a place where you actually thrive in pain
Like it fuels you to scoff at those who threaten you with pain.
So then, why seek an alternative heaven or hell?
lets stay put, in this room, in this fountain bubble floating in the cosmos,
endlessly, callously, pretending to be conscious and aware,
trying to understand and do anything if it matters,
pushing our bodies and minds to the extremes of experiences.
the only rule is - Nope, you can't leave the room

Sleep used to be my blessing, my boon. A way in which i find solutions,
a place where i retired the short circuited fuselage with the cockpit
a cocoon of catharsis, a place where i called home, brain-rest
its replaced with crypto currency now, an endless flow of information,
the best way to get knocked out is not alcohol, its information overload
and thankfully, i have found an abode which is an endless supply of data
blockchain, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, the lure of making money without a job

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