Wednesday, December 13, 2017

There is no God. There is no Life after death

There is no God
There is no Life after Death
There is no Justice
There is no Karma
The strong feeds on the weak
There is no Truth
Nobody is more important than yourself
Nobody is less important than yourself
Nobody is equivalent to you
Seeking similarity must be stopped at 50%
Seeking difference must be stopped at 50%
Your plan might be a burden on another
Your undecidedness might be a mockery on another
You cannot stop yourself from hurting others
You cannot stop others from hurting you
The past is not forgotten, the future will always be dreaded
in momentary glimpse of hope, love, peace and compassion,
we forget the truth - we are all doomed and take life for granted
A child is worthy dying for
Because thats the only case, where you pay something forward,
without expecting anything in return.
If you are still reading this nonsense,
you need a psychiatrist or better yet a pseudo mentalist
Don't expect anyone to understand you
Don't expect others to understand you
But yes, wake up everyday with Hope
Hope that this day wont leave you lesser than yesterday
and whatever good, bad or ugly you experience
only adds one more neuron, one more word into your DNA
there is no going back, only moving forward
if there is one thing that all of the universe agrees as impossible,
its going back in time. so yes, don't even think about it
be selfish, wipe your regret with the toilet paper of self regard
ooze confidence and trample on others, if you need to eat, sleep or clothe
hesitating you always lost against the persistant him
don't read this again, don't try to understand,
the floor you stand is not yours, the body you own is not yours,
the emotions you feel, might be made to feel, with conjecture

"how long had i been gone, how long had i been back.. did it matter?" - Solaris


Zeus said...

"We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world."

neo said...

true indeed. the best of me was oblivious and would choose to remain so. i wish i hadn't discovered what i did