Monday, December 31, 2007

New year Resolution

Gibbs: "By need, do you mean a trifling need? fleeting? As in, say a passing fancy ?"
Captain Jack Sparrow: "No, a resolute and unyielding need".
-- Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest, 2006:

Obviously, new resolutions shouldnt be resolute and unyielding needs like "Never blog anything negative", which has kept me away from this blog for a year!
2008 is definitely, a year of unknown waters, and promises to bring in a tremendous tide of positive and negative thoughts, nevertheless, i've broken the last year's resoultion, and promise to blog as often as possible. Not that the world has missed me too much, but it meant the world to a few close to my heart.

A quick re-cap of 2007, rented a studio flat, all by myself! rented a car for 2 months, bought all the household appliances needed for a small family, and lived a good life for most parts of 2007. Got promoted as "Systems Analyst". Was joyed to discover that I am an expectant papa. Resigned from Job on 25th december 2007.

2008, hopefully, should be a year of .... ahem! i dont know!
Lord willing, I hope to meet my son/daughter in feb. I plan to meet up with friends in chennai and bangalore. By June, I should be ready for the rat race, and get back to a "Just-Over-Broke" (JOB). Thankfully, my family is supportive of my plans to take an extended vacation of a few months :)

Zzats all for now, and Happy New Year!
PS: Phew! Its so tiring to blog!

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